Party for One? Yes, Please

I don't know anyone who isn't busy. Between jobs, kids, housework, extracurricular activities, and just the daily grind, we all find ourselves burned out. And, as we get older, we also tend to skip out, or at least downplay, our own birthdays or milestones that are worth celebrating. So, here's what I say: let's throw ourselves a dang party!
To all the introverts out there ( I hear you; I'm one myself) I'm not talking about inviting friends over, cleaning and decorating the house, cooking and making cocktails for everyone. That is not fun or relaxing for anyone. I'm talking about taking a day, an evening, or even just a few hours to celebrate you by doing all the things you love without having to take care of anyone, or anything else.
Here are my favorite ideas for a "Party for One":
Movie Night
I've heard people say they think it's depressing to go to a movie alone, but it's one of my absolute favorite things to do. What could be bad about sitting in a place where people are required to be quiet, sitting back, ordering something decadent to eat, and watching a movie uninterrupted? Sign me up. Don't want to leave the house? Thank goodness for streaming and microwave popcorn!
At Home Spa
I'm nearly 40 and I've only been to a real spa once. It's not that I didn't enjoy it, but I just rarely have the time to spend hours there and the price can be scary. So, why not have a DIY spa night at home where you can wear whatever is comfortable, save a ton of money, and not worry about things like, "Do I have the driest gnarliest feet the pedicurist has ever seen?" There are tons of affordable face and foot masks, teeth whiteners, self tanners, and more online. Order them up on a Monday and have your spa kit ready to go by the weekend. Get the kids to bed, pour your favorite drink, and start the pampering.
Dinner Deluxe
For some people, cooking is a chore and they dread it. For those of you who feel that way, please do enjoy the modern day convenience of food delivery; you'll get no judgment from me. However, I LOVE to cook and find it to be very relaxing, especially when I am just cooking for myself. My go-to dish when I get the rare chance to eat alone is shrimp scampi over a way too big pile of pasta. It's ready in the time it takes to boil the noodles. I mound it up on a plate, curl up on the couch with a good show, and eat like nobody's watching (because they aren't!) Dessert? Duh. I pretty much always have homemade cookie dough in the freezer so that I can have a slice & bake moment whenever I want.
You read that right. I love sleep and rarely, if ever, get a chance to go to bed early and wake up late. Whatever you need to do to make this happen, do it. Tell your partner to get up with the kids (and if he/she snores, relocate them to the guest room!), knock some things off your to-do list so your mind can relax, wash the sheets because there's literally nothing better than falling into freshly washed sheets. Then, ahhh...drift off to deep sleep. Some would say that doesn't sound like a party, but I'm dying for an invite!
Treat yo self, practice self care, and don't forget that you ARE the party! Put it on the calendar: Party for one.
Party on, friends!
- Heather Lindow
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