Indoor Party Activities...for when it is just too dang hot!

Indoor Party Activities...for when it is just too dang hot!

Last week in Austin (Party At Your Door's Custom Party Decoration headquarters), we reached a record high of 104 degrees! The last time it was *almost* that hot was in 1980 when the record was 102 degrees. So needless to say, it is HOT these days. We love planning our parties outside when possible, but on those days that it’s just too stinking hot, we try to come up with creative party activities to do inside. Here’s a few indoor activities (that are cheap or free - yay!) which you can do at your next celebration! Or at the very least, we can just pretend the weather is a 10x cooler than it actually is with our custom winter custom party decorations.

Bubble Wrap Fun

If you’re anything like us, we do a lot of online shopping because #toddlers. Every now and again we get bubble wrap in our packages and I always like to save it. You never know when it can come in handy. Well, recently, I decided to tape some to the floor of our kitchen and to my surprise, it kept the kids busy for quite a while. This could totally come in handy at your next get-together. It’s sure to bring on lots of laughter for kids!

DIY Slime

I recently came across this pin for some homemade Slime and I knew my daughter would enjoy making it (she’s a crafter just like me). Luckily, it only requires three ingredients that you probably already have at home. We had the baking soda and contact solution, but needed some glitter glue. Thankfully, my BFF Amazon Prime delivered our glue to us quickly. The slime was easy and fun to make, with very minimal cleaning afterwards. You could have this as an activity to do at your next celebration, or make it in advance and send it home with the guests as a party favor.

Paint and Hide Rocks

Spreading joy through thoughtfully designed rocks is the newest activity that we’ve been doing. The thinking behind this is that once you beautify a rock and then hide it, someone else will find the treasure and it will bring a smile to their face to see the creativity and talent on a little piece of nature. The rocks can include positive messages, silly faces, or be more intricate. The possibilities are endless! What a fun and easy craft for your next party.

Water Besds

One activity that never gets old for my kids is playing with their water beads. We have this pack of rainbow water beads from Amazon which costs about $11, but it will last you FOR.EV.ER. You really only need about a tablespoon of the beads, some water, and a container. Before long, the beads start filling with water and soon you find that not only are your kids enjoying playing with the beads, but you are too! There is plenty to go around for your next celebration. Also, how cute would this rainbow garland decoration be to bring out all of the fun colors of the water beads? I am dreaming of a really bright and colorful rainbow party in my future.

“I’m Bored” Jar

Finally, for the days when your city also reaches a record high like us and you’re itching for party activities to keep you cool inside at your next summer event, the “I’m Bored” Jar will save you! I saw this idea on Pinterest and knew I needed one of these jars in my life! This would be the perfect activity for each guest to make at your next party because you can help each other brainstorm all of the ways to fill your jar!

I know our Party At Your Door readers are super creative folks; we would love to hear from you about other fun party activities that you do indoor when it’s just too hot outside. Leave a comment to share the ways that you beat the heat!


- Allison Skinner

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