Why You Should Throw A Party After Beating Cancer

Why You Should Throw A Party After Beating Cancer

We get a lot of custom party decoration requests, but “Cancer Warrior” might be our new favorite theme. Here’s a few reasons you should celebrate beating cancer:

  • Not everyone does. Cancer doesn’t discriminate and it can be a very aggressive disease that not everyone beats. When you do beat it, you should celebrate the heck out of the victory!
  • To thank loved ones for their support. Cancer treatment takes a massive emotional and physical toll on a person. Luckily, it’s rarely something someone goes through alone. Throw a party to celebrate those people who were by your side during one of the hardest times in your life.
  • To begin a new chapter. You did it! Your beat cancer! What’s next? Throw a party to celebrate your next endeavour. Whether it’s a send off for a much deserved vacation or changing your career path, take this time to party down before turning the page on this new chapter in your life.
  • Because you’re a rockstar. Sometimes it doesn’t need to be anymore complicated than that. You and your miraculous body told cancer to get lost. Celebrate being a total and complete badass by spending time with your loved ones and this life you worked your butt off to embrace.

Sure birthdays, anniversaries, and engagements are important milestones to celebrate, but what’s more impressive than beating cancer?! No party has ever been more deserving.


-Ashley Willet

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